🎉 Features
- ⚛️ React 19
- 🚀 Next.js 15 (App router)
- 📘 TypeScript
- 🎨 TailwindCSS - Class sorting, merging, and linting
- 🛠️ Shadcn/ui - Customizable UI components
- 💵 Stripe - Payment handler
- 🔒 Next-auth - Easy authentication library for Next.js (GitHub provider)
- 🛡️ Prisma - ORM for Node.js
- 📋 React-hook-form - Manage your forms easily and efficiently
- 🔍 Zod - Schema validation library
- 🧪 Jest & React Testing Library - Configured for unit testing
- 🎭 Playwright - Configured for E2E testing
- 📈 Absolute Import & Path Alias - Import components using @/ prefix
- 💅 Prettier - Code formatter
- 🧹 Eslint - Code linting tool
- 🐶 Husky & Lint Staged - Run scripts on your staged files before committing
- 🔹 Icons - From Lucide
- 🌑 Dark mode - With next-themes
- 📝 Commitlint - Lint your git commits
- 🤖 Github actions - Lint your code on PR
- ⚙️ T3-env - Manage your environment variables
- 🗺️ Sitemap & robots.txt
- 💯 Perfect Lighthouse score
- 🌐 I18n with Paraglide
❤️ Support
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