File Backup System

Started: 16 May 2023

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FileBackup is a C# Windows Forms application that allows you to backup files and directories based on specified criteria. It provides a user interface to select source and destination directories, choose file extensions to include/exclude, set time criteria for file modification, and perform the backup operation.

Getting Started

To get started with FileBackup, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository or download the source code.
  2. Open the solution in Visual Studio.
  3. Build the project to restore NuGet packages and compile the application.
  4. Run the application.


  • Select source and destination directories.
  • Choose specific file extensions to include/exclude from the backup.
  • Set time criteria for file modification to include only files modified within a certain time period.
  • Option to compress the backup files using different compression levels.
  • Save and load user settings for future use.
  • Start/Stop the backup operation.
  • Real-time progress updates and estimated time remaining.


  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later.


  1. Launch the FileBackup application.
  2. Select the source directory by clicking the "Choose Source Directory" button.
  3. Select the destination directory by clicking the "Choose Destination Directory" button.
  4. Choose the file extensions to include/exclude from the backup by checking/unchecking the corresponding checkboxes.
  5. Set the time criteria for file modification using the trackbar. You can choose between hours and days.
  6. Optional: Check the "Compress Backup Files" checkbox to enable file compression. Choose the compression level using the radio buttons.
  7. Optional: Save the current settings by entering a name for the setting and clicking the "Save settings" button.
  8. Optional: Load previously saved settings from the dropdown menu.
  9. Click the "Start" button to begin the backup operation. Click the "Stop" button to stop the operation.
  10. Monitor the progress using the progress bar, labels, and estimated time remaining.
  11. Once the backup is complete, you can find the backup files in the specified destination directory.

Special Technologies:


C# offers a variety of features for file manipulation and access. Since this project was made to work with files and I was still actively learning C# it really came in handy.


WinForms proves reliable for crafting desktop interfaces like this one. Front end development was not really my thing back then so I needed something that I could get up and running fast without it needing to look the best and WinForms was perfect just for that!

Technologies used:

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